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Document/Image Storage and Retrieval


Station Software, Inc.

Sightseer, a development of a product of John Brown PLC, provides acomplete intelligent Information Retrieval system for engineering,manufacturing, and management personnel. Users may quickly and easilyaccess, view, print, and redline current engineering drawings directlyfrom the company's CAD system as well as review associated data such asdatabase records and related documentation from low-cost PCs andworkstations.Sightseer acts as the focal point for locating and retrieving the varietyof drawings and data needed by businesses on both a day-to-day andemergency basis. Sightseer's unique Intelligent Links allow users toaccess all related information from a common interface -- the engineeringdrawing. For example, if the maintenance foreman needed to find all thepumps from a certain manufacturer on the P&I drawing, he/she could easilyquery the database and the pumps from that manufacturer would behighlighted on the drawing. The foreman could search the maintenancedatabase to check when the next maintenance procedure is scheduled forthe pumps. The manufacturer's instructions on how to replace the packingin the pump could then be reviewed. All from the desktop, in minutes,without needing to know any computer commands or where the information isstored.Because it can be tailored to duplicate the manner in which userscurrently access information, users can be productive immediately.Sightseer's user-friendly design reduces implementation time andenhances productivity, since it requires no formal training or priorexperience. Standard Windows development tools such as Visual Basic canbe used to build user-, group-, department-, or site-specific interfacesand applications. Sightseer can be easily integrated with otherapplications including document management systems, and can accessinformation stored in a variety of SQL and Xbase databases.Through Station Software's multipage TIFF driver, manuals, workinstructions, supporting documentation, and other related informationcreated in Word, WordPerfect, Lotus, Excel, and other Windowsapplications can be accessed online and viewed, redlined, and printedfrom within Sightseer. These documents can be linked directly to theengineering drawings, allowing users to easily navigate through all ofthe required data in seconds, without leaving their desks.Sightseer supports native vector 2-D and 3-D CAD drawings from AutoCAD,Intergraph, Computervision, Unigraphics, and Auto-trol, assuring usersthat they are viewing the most current information. In addition to thenative CAD formats, Sightseer also supports industry standard formatssuch as CGM, HPGL, and DXF, and a wide variety of raster formats,including CALS, TIFF, RLC, CCITT, DDIF, and GIF. Sightseer is supportedon standard 386/486 PCs under DOS and Windows, as well as SPARC, HP, andX-Window workstations.Station Software`s customers include Ashland Petroleum, Monsanto, Merck,John Brown E&C, Kraft General Foods, Oscar Meyer Foods, Federal MogulCorp., McDonnell Douglas, Raytheon, and Lockheed.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

Station Software, Inc.
PO Box 816
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Phone: 6109181995
Fax: (610) 444-1777